Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Do you believe in Santa Claus? A gift of wisdom for all ages.

Growing up and becoming adults, life seemingly gets more complex and demanding. Among the decisions we are faced with are the big questions like: Who am I? Is this what I’m supposed to be doing? What is my unique purpose? Or, how can I make a difference? Is this my best life? How big can I dream? How do I get to do the things I want to do? Is this my best option, or could I pursue that call of adventure?

Likewise, the answers and solutions to these questions can generate a great deal of uncertainty as we factor in our beliefs and experience, as well as the people that matter in those decisions. Wouldn't it be great if we could simplify it all to one or a few succinct, salient guidelines. Something that could be applied in broad simple strokes to vanquish the myriad of decisions life presents to us. Dr. Wayne Dyer appears to have accomplished this in his books for kids of all ages. Life lessons so smart and simple...even a child can get it.

As many of us are negotiating the new realities grown out of the choices of the past decade or so, here are some great ideas and practices to boost confidence, and bolster expectations for better days ahead. This is not "dumbing it down," rather it follows the inspiration and light-hearted fun of Dr. Seuss' Oh The Places You Can Go, which has been a perennial favorite to share with graduates.

Incredible You! 10 Ways To Let Your Greatness Shine Through

Incredible You! 10 Ways to let your greatness shine through
Dr. Dyer begins with the recognition that (#1) there is good in all of us waiting to be shared with the world. Yes, you are amazing, unique and awesomely made, and everyone else is too (#9). What is essential (#2) is to discover what makes us feel most alive--what we love. And it doesn’t matter where we are in life #5, “what matters is what (we) do with today.” You have power in your thoughts (#10), and you can choose to change your life’s situations by changing your thoughts (#6.) Happy thoughts, Dr. Dyer says, make you strong and free, so choose to be happy.

Get all 10 ideas and practices here.

Unstoppable Me! 10 Ways to Soar Through Life

Unstoppable Me!: 10 Ways to Soar Through Life
(#1) You’re great--no matter what. Learn to value yourself without needing others’ approval, and realize that everyone makes mistakes. Criticism can be just another’s fear of failure, the important thing is to get the feedback failure signals to us, and to adapt and move forward. That’s it, (#2) persistence pays off, an essential trait in being unstoppable.

Find more tips on how to fortify yourself against negativity, setbacks and uncertainty to develop an adaptable, creative life full of meaning and purpose.

No Excuses! How What You Say Can Get In Your Way

No Excuses!: How What You Say Can Get In Your WayThis is the smart and simple version of the adult self-help book (Excuses Begone!), a contemporary update on the earlier version (Your Erroneous Zones) that launched Dr. Dyer’s renown. The bracing title is no deterrent for the gentle guidance to help us recognize when we are making excuses (even when it comes through messengers.) Ultimately, we have a choice whether we let fear of disappointment and doubt stop us from pursuing dreams or to fuel new resolve.

What can you do with that? Check out the quick and effective mobilizing technique.

So, yes, wisdom can come in simple steps, it is the practice that evolves into complex solutions as we take on more complex choices. Just find the answers that are right for you.
Happy Holidays

More gift ideas:

Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters

Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters, President Barack Obama

On My Way To A Happy Life, Dr. Deepak Chopra
On My Way To A Happy Life