Wednesday, April 20, 2016

In God We Trust: Harriet Tubman To Be Honored As The Face Of The US $20 Bill

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember,
you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion 
to reach for the stars to change the world.
~Harriet Tubman

Ladies and Gentlemen! Stop. What. You're doing! The news is so fresh, I can scarcely believe it. The Smithsonian Twitter feed retweeted the announcement that United States Treasury Secretary (TSOUS), Jack Lew, presented changes to US currency that will include honoring Harriet Tubman as the face of the $20 bill. Oh. My. God!
Recently found portrait of Harriet Tubman
at the Smithsonian, Washington, DC.
(via Politico)

So overwhelmingly momentous is this historical commendation, I silently screamed, at a loss for words (and composure). All of the major news media outlets confirmed the announcement.

Official portrait of Jacob Joseph "Jack," Lew
Treasury Secretary of the United States
Via Wikipedia
Among changes presented by TSOUS Lew, first Treasury Secretary of the U.S., Alexander Hamilton, who established the U.S. monetary system, will stay on the $10 bill. Harriet Tubman, Abolitionist and Civil Rights activist of the Underground Railroad fame, will be the new face of the $20 bill, while former POTUS Andrew Jackson, will be moved to the alternate side. Historical figures from the Women's Suffragette, and Civil Rights movement will be featured on the alternate face of the $5 bill.

More than pomp and circumstance, TSOUS Lew's changes will offer both history and financial literacy lessons beyond "dead presidents." How did you react to the news of these currency design changes? What are your thoughts about that?

Friday, April 8, 2016

National Poetry Month: Rise

It is, again, #NationalPoetryMonth. 2016, the new year brings with it many hopes, goals, dreams, along with their uncertainties. Uncertainties often point to new learning, what we need to discover, develop, assimilate, even change. New learning results in growth, adaptation. 

Growth and adaptation are simply the triumph of innate resources over environmental conditions with help from enrichment and privileges. Inspired by an image of the lofty redwoods, and all the implications of gravity, our rich Earth, and space travel, here is an untitled poem dedicated to the triumph of nature and humanity. It venerates the strength we derive from superceding the power of what either keeps us grounded or keeps us from transcending.

‎I rise.

Gravity keeps me grounded,
And still I RISE.‎

Strength of the Redwood via

Rooted in the nourishing Earth,
I reach outward, upward,
for that blue,
the sky.

I Am Strong.‎

I stand majestic.


Reaching for the stars
And beyond.

I rise.‎

How has Poetry enriched your life? What lofty ideals has it inspired you to stretch for? Which poets keep you grounded? Which ones stir your soul?