Sunday, August 30, 2015

"Let This Not Be A Death, But Completeness": Dr. Wayne Dyer Has Died

Today ends on a sad note. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer who shared so much guidance, insight, and encouragement with us has died. Our deepest condolences to his family, loved ones, friends, fans, and the Hay House community. I cannot find the words for now so I will let Tagore's Flight to Freedom speak for my heart.
Let this time of parting be sweet

Let it not be a death, but completeness

Let your love melt into memory 
and your pain into songs
Let your flight through the sky begin with the unfolding of wings...
Stand still, oh beautiful (one), for a moment
And say your last words in silence
I bow to you and hold up my candle to give light to you 
on your flight to freedom
Here are some links to Dr. Dyer's wonderful children's books we covered a few years ago, DeepDish: Do you believe in Santa Claus? A gift of wisdom for all ages

and his blog
